eMarketing The essential guide to marketing in a digital world 6th Edition Rob Stokes and the Creative Minds of Red & Yellow Preface Sixth Edition Dear Reader, eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world It fills me with great pride to present to you the 10th Anniversary Version of our digital marketing textbook; eMarketing, the essential guide to marketing in a digital world, now in it’s 6th edition. Our By Rob Stokes and the Creative Minds of Red & Yellow journey started with the first edition in 2008 when we naively thought it would be fun and easy to write a textbook (oh how wrong we were). Today, through a fantastic team at Red & Yellow and with the input of a wonderful community of educators, learners and industry experts, this book has now Published in 2018 by The Red & Yellow Creative School of Business grown to not only three times the length of that first edition, but the content has evolved hugely from 97 Durham Avenue, Cape Town day one when the internet was hardly social to today when it’s almost entirely social. First Published 2008 by Quirk eMarketing (Pty) Ltd. This social evolution has been but one change over the past 10 years. All of which have accumulated @Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2018 Red and Yellow Holdings (Pty) Ltd. to ensure that digital marketing has become the centre point for almost all marketing done today. Digital is no longer seen as a channel in the same way that a marketer might view television or radio ISBN: 978-0-620-78058-2 as a channel. Instead digital is now a way of life. It is the experiential glue which binds previously Book design and typesetting by Solveig Bosch from SolDesign ( separated media together and because of this, digital enables a cohesive brand experience that wasn’t previously on offer to marketers. To put it bluntly, if you want to be successful in marketing Cover design by Anka Joubert. and business today, mastering the topics in this book are absolutely essential. The book is typeset in DIN and it is printed by Creda Printers ( It is the importance of this content to business that brings me to my main point of pride. We are fairly confident in saying that since its humble launch in 2008, this little book has grown to become the most widely used digital marketing textbook on the planet. Trademarks Note, I didn’t say “best selling”, which it may or may not be and we don’t much care about that. All terms or names used in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been Instead, we are the most widely read because our book is available to anyone for free download. It is appropriately capitalised. Red & Yellow (Pty) Ltd cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. this fact that has led to its use in over 1000 academic institutions globally as it massively lowers the Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting t